Gardening Adventures

  • Container Garden Soil 101

    Container Garden Soil 101

    Soil is arguably one of the most important aspects to growing a successful garden. It's the foundation of where your food and flowers come from! You can plant your garden in any container, and purchase your seeds from anywhere, but it's your soil that will make your garden grow.  Container gardening is a little different than a traditional garden, and we want you to have your most successful CedarCraft garden yet. Here is a handy rundown of what you need to know about container gardening soil to have a bountiful harvest.    Garden Soil Is Not Container Soil  As tempting...

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  • Introduction to Container Gardening

    Introduction to Container Gardening


    The versatility of using containers to grow plants can't be beaten. Container gardening gives you the ability to garden all year-round regardless of your outdoor climate. Plants in containers are more accessible, grow fewer weeds, and require fewer gardening tools. They are perfect for situations where outdoor space simply isn't an option.
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  • Growing CedarCraft

    Growing CedarCraft

    Spring is just around the corner and we're getting ready for the 2016 gardening season! CedarCraft is growing like wildflowers and this gardening season is sure to be a bumper crop of good stuff. We have a brand new product line that includes multiple sizes for our Elevated planters, smaller tiered Cascading planters, expandable raised beds, and self-watering planters! We're really excited to see what people plant in them this year. This year you'll find us in more retail locations, including some rotations at various Costco stores across the country and in a few independent gardening centers, too! Be sure...

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  • Putting Your CedarCraft Garden To Bed

    Putting Your CedarCraft Garden To Bed


    The first frost is just around the corner, if not already here, for many gardeners in colder climates. Harvest season is over and winter is creeping its cold, icy fingers into garden beds. It’s time to clean up and prepare for next spring by putting your CedarCraft garden to bed. Putting in the extra cleanup effort at the end of fall will help you start your spring gardening season off on the right foot. Your planters will be clean, and filled with healthy, warm soil earlier than gardeners waiting for the ground to thaw out, which means you get a...

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  • Lessons Learned From Planter Gardening This Season

    Lessons Learned From Planter Gardening This Season

    Gardening is a mix of science and art. It’s possible that you can carefully craft the perfect garden space with optimal soil nutrients, ideal sunlight, and a well-timed watering system and have nothing go as planned. Even the best gardeners experience challenges during the growing season, and sometimes they have complete garden fails. Gardening is a learning process for everyone, not just a product, which is part of the appeal. It’s also comforting for beginning gardeners to know that even the most experienced gardeners still have their obstacles to overcome. Many of the pros live by the philosophy, “If you’re...

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  • Planting Your Garden

    Planting Your Garden

    The sun is shining, the grass is green, it’s time to get your hands dirty and plant your garden! Here are the things we've covered in other CedarCraft blog posts on what you need to know before you get those plants in your soil:   How much soil do you need and what kind of mix?  How to plan out your garden - considering square foot layout and companion planting How to keep critters out of your garden   Now it’s time to get the details on how to plant a plethora of fruits, herbs, and vegetables in your planters! If...

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